First of all, I'd like to clarify that I am just a normal human being, who like/dislike persons/things according to whatever experience that I may have encountered. So, yeah, I judge people. I tend to be judgmental because I am only human, and though I try to minimise that habit/instinct of mine, I know, I will always have this issue. So I come to realise that, the most important thing is not to act from the first judgment, get to know the people/thing first before I come to a FINAL conclusion. That's what I have learned.

So here's the thing. I used to dislike this woman. When I mentioned dislike, I meant REALLY dislike this woman. Lets call this woman Aunty L. Why did I dislike her? Well, she was the reason behind all the horrible things that had happened to me and the people that I love. She was annoying, thought very highly of herself (and some other people), and couldn't accept defeat. And I was defenseless to avoid those horrible things from happening.

And something magical and miraculous happened.

I think Allah wants me to see the truth. Of who Aunty L really is. And I thank Him for that till the very day. So, I was to spend some time with her, just talking and well, having chit chats. And I can see how genuine she is. She's not the person who supports hypocritical values and I'm someone who hate any form of flattery. And by the time we bid goodbye to each other, I can see who she really is. Someone who's striving to be better and someone who mean well. And I admire and LOVE her for that. For that journey that we both share, insyaAllah till the last day of our lives. She's still the same person before that chit chat. You know, that person who is annoying, and can't accept defeat, but I came to know that those traits are her flaws, not who she really is deep inside. Deep inside, she's just a helpless little girl, seeking for the truth, seeking for Allah.

About all those horrible events? She didn't want them to happen. I know now. And it was truly my fault to put the blame on her when the major thing was Allah was the One that wanted all of those horrible things to happen. I forgot that and I simply risked a relationship and my emotions for something that is not worth it. :(

It's amazing how a decent conversation can turn around the table. :)

I love you, Aunty L. I really do. And I hope we'll meet each other in Jannah because I really do love you, lillahitaala.