Sophia texted me : Pergi taylors ke?

I replied  : Tak kot. Kita kena hantar cousin kita pergi LRT.

Sophia answered : Kita pun macam malas. Tertidur tadi. Nanti kita send graph. 

And I am here still doing nothing. The laziness wave has came to me. I shouldn't be like this. But yeah, face the fact. I'm like this, still. 

When the fact is faced, come to think of it, laziness is such a horrible thing. You know you have works to do, but you're being ignorant to yourself, to your responsibilities, but you can't keep the chores out of your head and you're not even calm enough to handle the laziness. 

At least in my case. I'm not sure about you guys (or girls, yeah whatever).

I'm going to be totally ignorant of this craving for relaxing evening. 

Tonight shall be a sleepless night. I'm going to pull off an all-nighter for the project and my experiment graph. Mark my words on that.

For now, I'll have my lunch and start on my Biochem notes.