Have you not seen her eyes when she looks at you? Her dark brown eyes are begging for acceptance, distinctly, because she can't scream it to you with a smile plastered on her face. But you can't see past through her smile, you can't see past through her funny jokes. You think that she is okay with you treating her like the other girls whom you might know yesterday. You think that she is okay with you treating her like a stranger.

And she still longs for the nest far away for home. The cosy, warm nest that can be a good substitute to home, if it's not close to being home itself. She searches for acceptance, and she tries so hard to not lose herself, while fitting into the crowd. The crowd is not cruel to her, but it is not that welcoming either. She needs to find a way to get to their hearts. She needs to learn to be herself, and be likeable at the same time.

She is tired of every single thing that requires her to be among people. Why is she never a natural in relationships and friendships? She questions herself that, every single night while crying herself to sleep. 

Maybe, just maybe, she doesn't need acceptance from people. Maybe she needs acceptance from herself to be okay with being alone among the crowd. Maybe she needs that.

But those are only maybes. 

And now, she's experimenting those maybes, again.