Assalamualaikum everyone! :)

Como estas? Bien? :p

I would get a hold of better Spanish if I'm in Spain right now. But sadly, I'm not. So I'm not going to complain about it. I'm perfectly well in Malaysia. However, there were times when I felt a little bit jelly seeing my lovely girls having a good jolly time together and I was not with them (obviously).

So, I come up with this awesome super-duper idea!

Hazirah always blogs about things that she finds interesting in Spain (or other places that they had travelled together). So, I am going to do the same! I'll cherish my own sweet time here in Malaysia and blog about things that I have never ever had any experience on (such as hiking and so and so)! So, yes, I'm on the journey of finding adventures near home. It might be Sungai Chilling. It might be Perlis (yeay!). It might be vintage market, and it might be something simple like trying a new food, or baking my own cake! The keyword here is : be awesome! :p

Requoting Barney from HIMYM : When I'm sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead! :p

So, here is the first adventure.

This is going to be a very interesting one (though less challenging).

So, an intro for the awesome adventure :

Every Pre-Spaniards know how much I love Burger Kulim (as we call it)! I fell in love with the Burger Kulim easily when Naufal treated me with one of its kind egg cheese banjo and I felt like I was in heaven (don't believe in that, I'm such an exaggerator). So what happened was we, the girls were so addicted (and trust me, by addicted, I mean REALLY addicted) to this lovely, mouthwatering, burger and damn, it was damn good, dude! I have no words. Speechless.

So, I was wondering, " is there a burger greater than this awesomest burger Kulim?". AND that brought us to this amazing Burger Hunt! Yeay!

So, thanks to my Pak Usu and favourite coussie of all the coussies in the world, my darla, Husna, presenting *drumrolls*

BURGER TEPI JALAN WANGSA MAJU (instead of burger Wangsa Maju itself)

So, what happened was : we kinda heard about a legendary burger in Wangsa Maju. So we got our butts down there (at 12 am if I may say) and searched for that legendary burger. It turned out that we got the wrong stall. *laughs*

So, we searched for the legendary burger again anddd... all burger had been finished by the time we got there (1-ish am). However, it was amazing! We could see a lot of people were lining up to get their hand on that awesome burger. Pak Usu said, it's normal actually to be waiting for 2 hours for that one homemade burger. Ahh, so yummy! *kinda imagining the taste*

So, as the hunt failed this time, we went to SS15. We had a burger each and got ourselves home at 3 am. Crazy kan?

p/s : Burger Kulim is still the best, currently, but I'll get my hands on that legendary burger alright!
p/ss : I think I wanna try putting on a costume and go to the gaming centre on Saturday's night. It seemed interesting. Hehe. Though kinda weird.
p/sss : I'll be putting up some pictures. Right after I get back home.
p/ssss: We went to Rasta! :D Next on the list! :)