Double Integrals and Mary's Song
Caption 1 : Double Integrals isn't a pretty sight to see, but nonetheless, very important in Chemical Engineering, or so they say. Nayy, maybe it's an important process to succeed in life, by learning Double Integrals, and well, strive. I can say, striving is an important part in life, right?
Caption 2 : Another angle of my lovely Double Integrals.
And with that, it's known to all that I'm doing my Maths now! *pompomstomyself* I miss my mom and dad. The most. I wish Abah can just make a surprise visit already. Surprise lah sangat, as if we have THAT amount of money, for Abah to just come up on my doorstep, saying, "SURPRISE!" and well, surprise me.
I've been indulging myself in this dreamy state of finding the right one, lately, and mannn, trust me, it's not healthy at all. I loveeee daydreaming, and I know it's not healthy so I'm trying hard not to entertain those innocent dreams of settling down and having kids and become a Mom (not that being a mom is easy-peasy but yeah, every girls want to become a mom, I assume).
Anyways, I'm just stressed out, I guess.
Like how Dini and Farhana have been thinking of quitting law school, well, I haven't been thinking of quitting (just yet!) but I'm having a hard time, managing my time, and assignments and stuffs.
May Allah ease our way, insyaAllah ameen.
I love you guys.