So, any minute now. I just can't. Hold. On. Any. Longer.

I want home.

When I had my foot set on the airplane, I just wanted to cry so badly because I missed my dad. A lot.

And I still do miss him now.

I want Abah. I want Mommy.

Can't believe this. Ya Allah.

Just kicked off my second year in Brisbane with a tearful journey to Brisbane itself. How could we want one thing yesterday and despise the exact same thing on the day after?

I've always wanted to further my studies abroad, yes, I do. But today, I'm not so sure anymore. The sacrifice is just too great, and I just can't do this any longer.

Masa Jannah beritahu homesick masa second year lagi teruk, I laughed her off. Dang it. Dang it.

Now you know, Liyana. Very well.

Just can't wait to go home.