Parents are the persons who love us with all their heart. If someone is lucky enough to experience that. And I am so grateful for the luck that I have till now. Alhamdulillah.

You know, when you love someone so much, you want them to do well. And my parents? They want me to do well, hence they give me everything. I can tell you, they literally give me everything. Shoes, clothes, handbags, and all those stuffs? I'll get them once I say " Kakak nak ni lah, Mummy/Abah,". But no, I don't do that. I'm not the kind of person who takes advantage on people, especially on the ones who love me too much. 

Abah has been persuading/forcing/asking/ordering (you can choose which word you want) me to buy a pair (or maybe two) new shoes. And when I said, new shoes, I meant Clarks, or Camel Active, or even Bonia. Everyone knows how pricey those things are. Mommy was planning to buy a Braun Buffel handbag for me (according to Dini) and thanks to my cerewet-ness, Mommy kinda hold that thought for a second. She knows I'm quite picky in these things. 

And all these things are given (or at least are intended to be given) to me with one simple statement : Kakak kan nak guna kat Aussie nanti.

Well, it's not that I don't enjoy these luxury. I do! I'm just a normal human being, and Allah, I seek your help to not get myself intoxicated with this dunya. But to think that Abah and Mommy are willing to pay such a huge amount of price with the hope that I'll give them the best that I can, I feel scared. What if an unplanned event happens in the future? Will I be a good student? Will I have the best grades? Will I graduate with the best marks?

These thought are strangling me from the inside. I feel so scared to see the future. I'm scared if things happen like the last time it did when I didn't get a tix to Spain. I've been to that stage. It wasn't pretty though it helped me in becoming a better person.

I'm just hoping that I am able to get it right now. I'm a pro in making mistakes, but I hope I'll be able to love enough to pick myself up from the deepest pit.

I love you, Mommy and Abah. I really do. And I want to do my best. Not only for myself but for the both of you.