Ya Allah, this term is super-challenging!

And that is not the best way to start a blog post, Liyana! *slapself*

Well, my 2nd semester is MORE than a crazy wild adventurous bad dream. In the last term, on Week 13, I was busy worrying about how to get my project done. However, in this term, that is the last thing on my to-worry list. Yups. I hate it when I need to think about how to get my portfolio done ASAP, I hate it when I need to think about how to make sure that I pass Stoichiometry and Thermodynamics (with flying colours), I hate it when I have a Thermodynamics test on the study week, I hate it when I have to submit my Stoichiometry and Artefact Assesment final report on my study week, and I hate doing other things (except for really preparing for finals) on my study week.

Yes, anyone, I need consolation because I need a calm mind to really plan the next move.

So, Sophia and I have planned on the important things to do first. So here goes our (messed-up maybe?) planning.

1) To do our Level 2 and 3 portfolio by the end of this week.
2) To finish DOF (and material balance) also by the end of this week.
3) To finish Abstract and Intro (my part in final report) by the end of this week.
4) To study Energy balance (Stoichiometry) because we have a test on Friday and yess, I haven't gotten myself into that mode yet due to my addiction to  Material balance (which is also in Stoichiometry) that brought my marks WAAAYYY down. Plus, I think it'll be good to study both of them together.

Well, I think that's enough. For now. We'll sort other things out later.

This weekend is fully booked though. We NEED to do our LAB REPORT and prepare for Engineering Fair. Which includes : Artefact Assessment AND Presentation.

Okay, fully-booked week now. I really wonder how people do it actually. Hello, engineers, show me please? My life is so messed-up right now.

But, surprisingly (enough), I still have time for this :

This is me in the library trying to sort my sulphuric acid plant problem out. Honestly, doing DOF can be so tiring at times.

People who are dear to me must know by now how this term is faaaarrrr too important for me. I want to hold on but letting go seems so disturbing, deviating me from the main goal sometimes. I don't know if I'm capable of going through that same phase again. I have 2 cases to consider and my option is clear. I'm trying hard. But it seems so far away nowadays. With Sophia, who had questioned whether this is all worth the risks, I have to lift myself up. It's hard not to give up, heck I've been through those phases where I had given up then there was something inside me that whispered to me, " this is not right,".

Ya Allah, You know.

Those nights. Those nights when I sit in my bed and pray, Ya Allah, let this hope blossom to become a reality. Ameen.