It'll be April soon. And by soon I mean, 2 days sooner. This is obviously hard for me. I'll be leaving my house chores and will be fully commited to my studies. It's the final battle. If only people know how hard it is to go through this... Well, I don't need pity anyways. I'm stronger with every tests, insyaAllah. :)

But this is very nerve-wrecking. The feeling of having to go through this (once more it is) is somehow putting me down and pushing me to go through it at the same time. It's hard to explain. It's hard to commence even. But I'm excited. And I guess, as long as I'm excited (not too excited that is) everything's good.

I need a break from these house chores, anyways. :)

So next week is the week. 17 weeks of pushing myself. I'm sure there'll be tears and also joy but I just want to get this right. For once. So that I'll be smiling when people ask me, "So, how was it?". And I won't be hearing the awkward responses from people.

I care too much about people hmm? I should not.

Well, I'll tell you guys more about it, insyaAllah. Well, if I have the time, it is. :p Take care sweets.