Dear Nuraisha Azmi,

You're 21 today, Alhamdulillah. If 21 years are nothing to you, trust me, you've done a whole lot of things (though I was never even like genuinely close to you). Just to make sure this birthday is special enough, I'm going to highlight a couple of things that happened along the way of being a 21 (Yay!).

Of Developing Patience as A Teacher

You've been through the exciting journey of being a teacher. I have always wanted to be a teacher for primary kids! They're so naive, and cute and fun to be with. So innocent though annoying at times! :) Being a teacher must've helped you to develop your patience and your personality as well. I might never be a good teacher. I'm far too garang (in a way), I don't know how to handle kids (well enough), and I, well, am still trying to find patience in everything I do. But you, Aisha, had been through all of the tests of being a teacher and girl, YOU NAILED IT! :D

Of Heartbreaks

You are a wonder woman of its own. To experience a heartbreak is no play. You've been very very strong and you are contributing in your recovery. There were times you went off course a bit but that was only natural and humane to do so and I am ever so proud of how far you've gone through to reach this state of believing in yourself and not really depending on your emotional stand. My, Aisha, how you've grown in the past year aite? How stronger you've became and how much pain must your soul experience along the way! To be loved and to be cheated on. To accept the fate. To really love yourself rather than torturing yourself. Girl, I'm not going to put myself in your shoes but, I know it's hard. And you're amazing at it. :)

Honestly, I thought of putting at least 3 things that'd make you feel you've accomplished a lot of things but I think I've been writing a bit too much. -.-'

Whatever it is, have a splendid year ahead insyaAllah and be strong with every steps you take! :)

xoxo. :p